Languages, differences, race and class, it's all enormous But the common ground we found surpasses all the borders If you meet a rich man, ask his soul his door Technically I'm from an elegant city But I'm not the kind to whine and dine I grew up around lots of crimes, a violent kind You might have heard about the rocks, the grind, the hype and shine It's not just cockney, right, Muslim? Technically I'm from an elegant city Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Technically I'm from an elegant city Technically I'm from an elegant city Technically I'm from an elegant city All his sons, we all live once And who among us wouldn't want all of his funds? That's rhetorical but I don't need call and response to know That's how Londoners are from time to time Only got the time to grind and whine Technically I'm from an elegant city Technically I'm from an elegant city But I'm not the kind to whine and dine It beats London London It beats London Awkward interactions with most old thoughts Children navigating through postcode thoughts In the States with the least funding London, as a parent Witness economy blooming for the hammerlock What a sight to see London Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim