Thank you for watching.Oh, oh, ohLa nonnuahOh, oh, ohLa nerMae moonEr, er, erNo.Oh what.Bah.Am to open.Time.Man.Then due to thehelloHelloHelloI told him to fix it1Smack2TToplaanThe land of Pringupan, the land of PringupanLike the land of Pringupan, like the land of PringupanThe girls and the boys, the boys and the girlsCome to the land of Pringupan, to be togetherTo stay together, to be togetherLet the boys and girls sing togetherThe girls and the boys, the girls and the girlsThe girls and the boys, the girls and the girlsCome to the land of PringupanWith a cup of milk and a cup of cold waterIf you want to be born,You have to be born with a daughterWith a happy motherYou have to have an important heartIf you want to be born with a motherYou have to be born with an important heartIf you have children,Come to GodI gently pressThank you.