We'll see you next time.Keep it going to the bottom of the bottle.We keep it rocking till the morning with these models.Morning with these models.Morning with these models.Morning, morning, morning, morning, morning with these models.Morning with these models.Burnin' with these modelsBurnin' with these modelsBurnin' with these modelsLet's keep it goin' till theGoin' to the bottomGoin' to the bottomGoin' to the bottomLet's keep it goin' till theBottom of the bottleWe keep it rockin' till theMournin' with these modelsBurnin' with these modelsBurnin' with these modelsBurnin'-burnin'-burnin'-burnin'Burnin' with these modelsOn in with these modelsOn in with these modelsOn in with these modelsOn in with these modelsOn in with these models