Don't take a fall for Santa's claws, his terms are not so mean, girl What price you mission for tradition when they've got no value at all? You still have your stuff for the features, did you read the manual? And while you sleep, they'll loosen teeth at Mary's Bank in ivory pies And I'll never hurt you when you smile I said, yeah, we think merry-go-rounds don't happen, but they happen Just like fashion, open your eyes, realize that maybe we're not so factual Yeah, we're assassins without passion or retirement Just like fashion, open your eyes, realize, oh, maybe it's not so natural Outside the ceiling for bullish fiends, it's called imagination And soon they'll beg for powder kegs beside the fire stations I said, yeah, we think merry-go-rounds can't happen, but they happen Just like fashion, open your eyes, realize, oh, maybe it's not so factual Yeah, we're assassins without passion or retirement Just like fashion, open your eyes, realize, oh, maybe it's not so natural And tonight, and tonight they'll start us off, don't know why Oh, we think merry-go-rounds can't happen, but they happen Just like fashion, we're assassins without passion or retirement Just like fashion, open your eyes, realize, oh, maybe it's not so natural Yeah, we think merry-go-rounds can't happen, but they happen Just like fashion, we're assassins without passion or retirement Just like fashion, open your eyes, realize, oh, maybe it's not so natural Yeah, we think merry-go-rounds can't happen, but they happen Just like fashion, we're assassins without passion or retirement Just like fashion, open your eyes, realize, oh, maybe it's not so natural
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