You'll be my gloomy novel, You'll be my gloomy novel, A balloon just like a bird will fly, Gliding away just on his wings you'll reach the sky. Mi angelo ti sposerà, non lascerà ti andar, Mi angelo ti sposerà, non ne la tirerà. You'll be my gloomy novel, You'll be my gloomy novel, A balloon just like a bird will fly, Gliding away just on his wings you'll reach the sky. Mi angelo ti sposerà, non lascerà ti andar, Mi angelo ti sposerà, non ne la tirerà. You'll be my gloomy novel, You'll be my gloomy novel, A balloon just like a bird will fly, Gliding away just on his wings you'll reach the sky. Mi angelo ti sposerà, non lascerà ti andar, Mi angelo ti sposerà, non ne la tirerà. D'anello, d'anello ti guardo, D'anello, d'anello ti guardo.