Samson was a mighty man, Atlas he was too. Dempsey, Lewis, Gorgeous, George may keep you in a stew, but listen to old Johnny's tale. But first let's take a breath, cause what he's gonna tell you will scare you half to death.
I'm a guy that likes his fun, and when I fight you'd better run. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun. I'm going down in the middle of town, I'm going to shoot the first man down. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun.
My skin is hard as leather, I'm as tough as any man. When I have to shave myself, I use an old tin can. I wash my face in boiling wax and scrub myself with deodorant.
I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun. I was raised on tiger's milk, I drink corn liquor and I smoke corn silk. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun.
I chew up tin and I spit out nails, sleep on snakes with ten foot tails. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun.
I started feeling frisky at a dance the other night. I felt so good I took my gun and shot out every light. Now the sheriff said get out of town, today he's six feet underground. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun.
I'm mean, I mean, I'm mean. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun.
I started feeling frisky at a dance the other night. I felt so good I took my gun and shot out every light. Now the sheriff said get out from town, today he's six feet underground.
I throwed my saddle on a grizzly bear that I caught bear-handed in his mountain lair. I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun.
I cut my hair on a chopping block and when I chop the mountain's rock I'm a mean, mean, mean son of a gun.
I've tangled with a wildcat just to prove that I love to sing.
was stout reached down his throat and grabbed his tail then turned him inside out where i was
raised it's so darn tough i had to leave it got so rough i'm a mean mean mean son of a gun
i mean i mean i mean i'm a mean mean mean son of a god