Don't ever tell me that you've heard the cello
For you've never met Marianne
Don't talk of silver or violet or yellow
For you've never met Marianne
Don't ever tell me that you've heard the cello
Don't mention garnets or pearls from Manila
Forget them as fast as you can
Don't speak of ginger or lime or vanilla
Until you have kissed
Don't ever mention the lights from the planets
For you've never seen Marianne
You'll pity the Jenny
The Janes and the Janets
The moment you've seen Marianne
And so the one thing I'm positive of is
That God made me one lucky man
Not that you violated the law
That God allowed the horrors of the world
You will have some magic
If Iazarius
Are in heaven
Believe me
Don't tell me that you've never met Marianne
And so the one thing I'm protective of
Is Aquinas
© transcript Emily Beynon