♪♪ We called him Mama's Boy. It wasn't a very nice name. And no matter what went wrong in camp, seems that Mama's Boy always got the blame. He came to our outfit when he'd just turned 17. The shyest, most awkward country boy that anyone had ever seen. Mama's Boy never got along too well with other guys. At times, we'd tease Mama's Boy so much, he'd have tears in his eyes. And anyone who thought that Mama's Boy would stay in battle and not run could easily have gotten odds in our camp. At least a hundred to one. Then came the day our outfit was moved to the front, on the run. The same day that we got there, the battle had begun. The shells and the bullets fell round us just as thick as rain. And men were screaming. Some in fear, and others in pain. But Mama's Boy stood his ground. He fought like he couldn't be hurt. While most of us lay trembling in fear, our faces dug into the dirt. His mama would have been proud of him. I know we all were. And we all wrote our regrets when they sent his medals home to her. It was then that we learned the truth about this man who knew our scorn. His mama had died. The day that Mama's Boy was born. © BF-WATCH TV 2021