Bound for glory, but rapidly fading Body and mind, beyond his control There's just one kind of song, that I hate what he said A song makes you think you're no good since you was born He and his mother and sisters died young They'd come to the world with the same dust in their veins Would they have wanted to know? Would they have wanted to know? Just before sunrise, from his east-facing window He painted away the starry night The most famous soul at St. Remy's Asylum Bright colors whirled through his mind Cypresses, wheat fields, and sunflowers For such sparks of genius, what was the price? Would he have wanted to know? Would he have wanted to know? Exploring the cosmos, bound to his chair His body, a black hole, could not hold his mind Explaining so many words, with just a twitch of his cheek Reversing arrows of time She knew, and she married him anyway But they couldn't predict which way their lives would go Would they have wanted to know? Would they have wanted to know? Would they have wanted to know?