A new stand filled with paper trash, adults only. A movie is a worldwide smash, adults only.
Angry parents will condemn this world their children's livin' in, but who put it in the shape of sin? Adults only.
Adults only, no children. Can't we see what they're doin'?
We fill the young with joy, adults only.
We fill the young with temptation, then call them the wild generation.
A joke not fit for children's ears, adults only. Records made they shouldn't hear, adults only.
Kids use words that shock the world, adults only.
The grown repeating things they've heard at home, but who's the first to cast a stone? Adults only.
Adults only, no children. Can't we see what they're doin'?
We fill the young with temptation, then call them the wild generation.
We fill the young with temptation, then call them the wild generation.
But who made them the wild generation?
Adults only, adults only.
Adults only, adults only.