It's just too hard to move when you're standing right thereIt's just too hard to walk away and leave you like thatCan we give it one more night你带我去哪里吧猫in my moneydreamy now baby你带我去哪里吧猫一般看了clubno meaningshe would ask youwhat the man'sin yourkissi die on myand it'syou're gonnakeep it intheyou're gonnaeatyourtimewhat do youthinkyou can tell youyou're gonnamovein mymy少了一点点也没关系有点不自信的口气也可能没办法说那些东西空虚的元气眼睛看着的眼睛最糟糕的昨天就再见有空就马上想念小事一般吃着红豆汤真的重要的是内容所以想要知道干杯感觉这海的颜色变得漂亮想要的打铃铛的打印