Sagashi temo mitsukaranai Maigo no ko
Hanao tsumi ni itta no Furi mukanaide
Tonboo oikakete Itta no kashira
Obake ga dete kitara Doushi tara ii no
Kakurenbo ga daisuki
Nakimushi amaenbo
Henjishi te Onegai dakara
Kiete shimatta chiisana ko
Doko kashira?
Ohisama ga shizumu no ni Kaeranai
Koinu to harappajuu Hashiri mawatte
Koneko to kusamura de Jareatte
Sayonara dekinaide Besookaku wakarazuya
Onigokko ga daisuki
Genkina kikanbou
Modotte kite Onegai dakara
Nigete shimatta ikenai ko
Doko kashira?
Doushiyou Komatta wa
Nohara ni hitori kiri
Kaaete kite Onegai dakara
Watashi no daijina imouto
Doko kashira? Doko kashira?
***English version
Don't know what to do
don't know where to look
little lost one
She just meant to pick some flowers
didn't mean to go so far
If I only knew which path she took
little lost one
Please sweet goddess with your powers
lead me to a crying star
she's a child and lost
playing hide and seek
still just a little crybaby
There must be a tear rolling down her cheek
calling out for you, please answer me
Sun is setting soon, it will soon be dark
little lost love, let me sing her favorite lullaby
praying it carries to the end
Love the game of tag, running all around
she's just a little ball of energy
What I give to know if she's safe and sound
I give my life if I could only be
wherever you are
What can I do?
Where could she be?
All by herself in the wilderness
Rushes baby sister
believe in me, just keep on believing
fight the loneliness
she's a child and lost
playing hide and seek
still just a little crybaby
There must be a tear rolling down her cheek
I'm calling out for you, please answer me
Answer me (x2)
wherever you are
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