I run back to my thoughts and why not, like a game of yesterday, I sail on the sea of unsearched memories, intact frames where you were near me, you touched your lips with pink petals for a moment then, your gaze struck my mind, I already knew that never, never but it is no longer that immense feeling of living a dream in the head, no, oh no, oh no, oh no I walked looking behind you, you disappeared in the sun in front of me leaving the sadness between us, I only remember moments where you were in front of me there without speaking you did not know what to say, for a moment then you ran away, far away forever, I already knew that never, never but it is no longer that immense feeling of living a dream in the head, never, never but it is no longer your hands on my face, moments of life in paradise because, for you, I threw myself headlong into the world that now, for me, leaves no more signs of you never, never but it is no longer that immense feeling of living a dream in the head, never, never but it is no longer your hands on my face, moments of life in paradise, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no