I will give thanks unto you, Lord, for you are good, your love and kindness never fail. For you are good, your love and kindness never end. I raise my hands, you heal my soul. Here in the presence of the Lord, my heart's restored. And you guide me in the paths of righteousness. And you hide me in the shadow of your hand. I rest in you. Blessed be the name of the Lord and my father's child forevermore. You heard every cry, you broke every chain. You alone deliver me. My Prince of Peace, you lifted me. Where everything was laid to place under your feet. May my praises be as incense to you, Lord. May my worship be a sweet fragrance to you, O Lord my King. Blessed be the name of the Lord and my father's child forevermore. You heard every cry, you broke every chain. You alone deliver me. For the Son of God, He reigns on the throne. He let all other nations know that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever and ever. His mercy endures. Endures forever, forever, forever and ever. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever and ever. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever and ever. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever and ever. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever and ever. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever and ever. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever and ever. For the Son of God, He reigns on the throne. He let all other nations know that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever and ever. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever and ever. Forever, oh forever and ever.