Love is a angry thing It'll tear your heart to pieces And love's such a crazy thing It'll break you down When you least expect it Thought I knew about love I've been deceived Love don't love nobody Certainly not me You used to have your way with me We fought all the time Misunderstandings Led me to being blindsided You knocked the wind out of me How could you be so cruel? Love Thought I knew it all Then you turned on me Love is an angry thing It'll tear your heart to pieces And love's such a crazy thing It'll steal your heart When you least expect it Thought I really knew love Till you turned on me Telling me lies Putting the blame on me I became your victim Lost sight of what was right Now I barely believe You were ever really mine You knocked the wind out of me And I was good to you Love Thought I knew it all Till you turned on me Love is an angry thing It'll tear your heart to pieces And love is a crazy thing It'll tear you down When you least expect it Love is an angry thing It'll tear your heart to pieces And love is a crazy thing It'll break you down When you least expect it Say oh love Such an angry thing