Little sister, little sister, all caught in the action
At least you're fighting for something
All you dreamers, working for peanuts
It's all just cash for the weekend, a little paper for spending
Take it easy, ah take it easy
You sad little druggos, you got your items of tomorrows
Don't you cry, honey, it'll be alright
When your man comes in the morning time
In the morning time
You were tripping, ah you ain't falling
Keep it up, pray for forgiveness
Let's hope that God is your witness
You were scoring, ah you ain't winning
You are just sad little yuppies, I hope you catch yourself lucky
Don't you cry, honey, it'll be alright
When your man comes in the, they were right
When they said, if you ain't living how you want to
You're just as good as dead
Just as good as dead
Don't you cry, honey, it'll be alright
When your man comes in the morning time
In the morning time
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright