Bi ht: Listening Practice Through Dictation CD 3-30 - V.A
Unit 30 A Job Interview
M: Hello, Ms. Jones? Please, come in and sit down.
W: Thank you.
M: So, youre applying for the position of computer
W: Yes, thats right.
M: My name is Mr. Smith, and I will be interviewing
you today.
W: Nice to meet you.
M: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
W: As my rsum shows, I graduated from Leeds
University with a Computer Science degree.
During my junior and senior years, I worked parttime
as a computer lab monitor in the university. As
part of that job, I helped students with PC and
desktop application problems and did hardware
and software maintenance. I also taught a weekly
one-hour class on how to use Microsoft Office
M: How would you describe yourself?
W: I really enjoy problem solving, and Im
hardworking. Im also very organized, so when
I have a lot of problems to deal with, I make a
list and work through it from the most to the
least urgent. That way, I can get everything done
within the set deadlines.
M: Thats a good way to manage your time. Just
one more question. Why do you want to work
for us?
W: Your company is well-known, and is respected in
the computer industry. I would really like a
chance to be part of your company.
M: OK. Thank you for coming in. Ill be in touch.
W: Thank you. Goodbye.