Clap your hands now Clap your hands now Unreroute the rivers, let the *** water beat There's some people down the way that's thirsty So let the liquid spirit free The people are thirsty Cause the man's a natural hand Watch what happens when the people catch wind When the water hit the banks of that hard, dry land Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Clap your hands now Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Unrerive the rivers, let the *** water beat There's some people down the way that's thirsty, so let the liquid spirit free The people are thirsty, cause the man's unnatural hand Watch what happens when the people catch wind, when the water hit the banks of that hard, dry land Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit Liquid spirit