落花飛舞飄滿大地 The dandelion, covered with petals, floats on the earth 月色暗淡不禁唏噓 The moonlight is ***, but it doesn't seem to go away 別意幸忙忙別了悔傷悲 Don't be disappointed, don't be sad 樑上煙一雙翩奮飛 The dandelion, covered with petals, floats on the earth 引開花前淚 守護著鴛鴦淚 The dandelion, covered with petals, guards the swallowing tears 恨願多天相對淚水 I wish to see you more often 彼前別墅照馬蝶妹裡頭 The swallowing tears of the swallowing swallows 千般相思心掛裡 Are engraved in my heart 為會兄沒需掛熱淚 I don't need to cry for you 我會珍重猶豫相思 I will cherish the promise we made 念你十二時夢裡兩雙煙 I miss you when I was twelve years old 何謂已分散情誼 How can I tell you how much I love you 立誓不戀惹怒情已心間疲 The road of love is not easy 夢裡貴重雙翠兩重 The dandelion, covered with petals, floats on the earth 愁雲掙心心意若似水泡 My heart is filled with sadness 心中消失恐懼 My heart is filled with fear 共滿雙躍春節樂聚 Let's have a drink together at the end of the month 月底花蔭傾訴相思 Let's talk about our love at the end of the month 夜裡各便辭 路難妙皆依 The night is long and the road is difficult 如銀妖多通是情意 The moon and the moon show their love 日日記別離遲 日夜寫上詩句 I write a poem every day and night 令你放心歡慾 It makes you feel at ease 情懷若醉 慶民便開來 Let's have a drink together at the end of the month 雙飛燕春天再聚 Let's have a drink together at the end of the month 雙飛燕春天再聚 Let's have a drink together at the end of the month