The dancing little harlequin, the juggler decrees The orbit of the oranges is down upon his knees The light plays with the images that everybody sees As higher in the night they fly with ever-growing ease To Lenin in his frozen tomb, a voice is whispering in the gloom Where was the communism, please, in your community? We set them free A thundering concerto from the great piano flows A washing over everyone and everybody knows The talent and the genius that now accepts the role As turning on the rostrum he bows and finally goes To Lenin in his freezing church to kneel and evermore to search Where was the communism, please, in your community? We set them free Now crystal chandeliers reflect on walls of inlaid gold As high above, above the streets of ten degrees of cold The ruby stars are shining and like Bethlehem of old The pilgrims come to worship, to witness, to behold To Lenin with his freezing brain, I ask you then, I ask again Where was the communism, please, in your community? We set them free © transcript Emily Beynon