Welcome to the Future Remix
Major Lazer
Do you recall not long ago
We would walk on the sidewalk
Innocent, remember
All we did was care for each other
But the night was warm
We were bold and young
All around,
the wind blows
let go
lock is fire gun
we need someone to lean on
lock is fire gun
all we need is somebody to lean on
lock is fire gun
all we need is somebody to lean on
del payment menten pasa sería caliente vemos en mi casa muy frecuente mente disparado
de suma también temente vive el día de hoy pasamento el enérgía dos almas libre sin
tonito cytus christ mini tour hemeirá lleno de fueras que falta mi amiga
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We need someone to lean on
fire a gun
All we need is somebody to lean on
La Familia
Toy Selecta
Official Remix