And the day of a flow between two and grass and Baptiste given by the hollow of his hands, pure water on the forehead to those who wanted to receive the signal of the mysterious message. He said he will come soon on these banks, another who is more than me, who is nothing. This other who will come will finally save you. The crowd listened to him under the branches. And then one day he came to receive the baptism. They called him Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth. When Baptiste poured the blue water of a clear gesture, a ray of sun lit his forehead. Then, stopping all divine ablutions, I understood that the one to whom he gave the water was this envoy and that by this network the Holy Spirit descended from the bottom of the origins. And the day of a flow between two and grass. The centuries on their knees heard a distant voice in the sky say, You, my beloved son, you will do my work. Sweet bones of the Jordan to the saints of the kingdom. The green pastures, green banks, you will do them to be baptized also in their way in your clear murmurs on the road of men. For more information, visit