Up a lazy river by the old mill run The lazy river in the noonday sun Linger in the shade of an old kind tree Throw away your troubles, dream with me Up a lazy river where the robin's song Awakes a bright new morning where we can loaf along Blue skies up above, everyone's in love Up a lazy river, how happy we can be Up a lazy river with me Up a lazy river by the old mill run That lazy, crazy river in the noonday sun Linger in the shade of an old kind tree Throw away your troubles, dream a dream with me Up a lazy river where the robin's song Awakes a bright new morning where we can loaf along Blue skies up above, everyone's in love Up a lazy river, how happy we can be Lazy up the river with me Up a lazy river in the noonday sun That lazy, crazy river where we can loaf along Maybe there'll be blue skies up above Every cat's in love Up a lazy river, how happy we will be Up a lazy river with me