Facing a white page, what will I write about this time?
Where do I find a little space in this room in my mind?
Lately I'm doing a lot of things in the future
I want to move forward, but I'm standing still
I got so many plans, yeah but don't I feel a little ill?
Taking a phone call, checking
Taking a message, while flicking through the papers
That's tomorrow's rubbish
Can I write about laundry day, it's so everyday
Can I write about being stressed with all of the mess
Can I write about missing you, makes me feel
Can I write about, what about something new?
I don't know if it's for you
I'm checking messenger, in between lines
Then feeling unfulfilled, God, look at the time
Four o'clock already
Time to be mine
And seeing him smile
Makes me feel useful after all
Can I write about laundry day, it's so everyday
Can I write about feeling stressed with all of the mess
Can I write about missing you, makes me feel blue
Can I write about, what about something new?
Subtitles by the Amara.org community