Sweet Little Jenny
Sweet Little Jenny
Oh, wait a minute, what's that rumble?
Way back in the ground.
Good lord, it's a cave-in.
And the rocks are falling all around.
Now the timbers are breaking and the rats are running,
And I can hardly see.
Inside my chest there's a mighty burning,
And my strength is leaving me.
This is my last day in the mines.
Beneath these rocks and timbers,
With my strength all gone,
My thoughts turn to Jenny.
I must leave her all alone.
I know they'll try to save me,
But they're gonna be too late.
For over that river, through that valley,
I see heaven's gates.
This is my last day in the mines.
Oh, this is my last day in the mines.
This is my last day in the mines.
This is my last day in the mines.