It is directly oriented towards the future, it is vertebrate, thinking about the bright future of society. After crossing the difficult path in which we are now, a new value society. The cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow, the cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow. I have a dairy cow, a real cow, I have a dairy cow, a real cow. I don't sell it nor do I buy it if they want to buy my cow, I don't sell it and nor do I buy it if they want to buy my cow. The cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow, the cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow. I have a problem in the bank and he wants to take it away from me, I have a problem in the bank and he wants to take it away from me. The milk that this cow gives is really pure, the milk that this cow gives is really pure, The cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow, the cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow. The construction of a new society to finally reach the rival society, the perfect society that you will build in the future. The cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow, the cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow. I have a problem in the town when I take it for a walk, I have a problem in the town when I take it for a walk, every officer in the corner wants to spoil it, every officer in the corner wants to spoil it. The cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow, the cow, the cow, the cow, the same cow.