It's good, but I'm out of breath. Let's go, all together! You're going to sing for me now! You answer me! Oh, but that's very, very good! You sing very well! You sing very well! That's great! I don't know if it's the girls or the boys we want to sing. What do you think? Ah, it's always the girls we hear screaming. Especially when they don't have to. I think for the song it was the boys, right? Isn't that right? Listen, we're going to do the same thing again. The first two sentences, the girls, all alone. We answer, the next two, the boys. Then it looks like she wants to sing. Let's try it all together! Girls first! Girls! Boys! I think it's the boys she wants to sing. Anyway, you all sing very, very well. I can assure you of that. If you can keep up with me, I'm going to complicate this song very, very well. Yes, I'm going to complicate it terribly, until the end. If you can keep up with us here on stage, We're going to try to applaud you at the end of the song. It would be nice if we applauded you at the end of the song. However, if we applauded you, I would ask you to stand up to say thank you at the end of the song. All of you! Do we agree? Do we play or not? Do we play? Do we agree? Great! Let's try it! All together now! Let's try it! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! All together now! All together now! All together now! All together now! All together now! All together, everybody. All together, everybody. All together, everybody. Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Every night! Happy birthday! To the woman, I need you so, so. I love you so, so. Every morning. Every day. Every night. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. To the woman, I need you so, so. I love you so, so. Every morning. Every day. Every night. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. To the woman, I need you so, so. I love you so, so. Every morning. Every day. Every night. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. La la la la la. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Tabii. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah-woah. Woah-woah-woah-woah-woah-woah. Everybody stand up! Stand up, everybody! Up there! Stand up! Ah, very, very good. Thank you. Since he has applauded you kindly, I ask you to applaud them one at a time, please. Starting with Gaston at the baritone. François Jeannot at the flute and tenor saxophone. Jean-Marie Ingras at the bass guitar. Did you notice? Little girls scream when I call them. Yvon Oisana at the drums. He plays well, Yvon, you noticed. Who's in the family? My cousins, actually. Rene Urtrager at the electronic organ. And Pepito at the tumba. In the backstage, we hear hearts but we don't see them. Louder, hearts! Even louder! Louder, hearts! Even louder! Yes, applaud them loudly!