I found an interesting pattern, a number sequence, and it's showing up everywhere.
I was originally looking at the 23 and thinking, oh, that's the W, or the 23rd letter.
W is just a word.
Or U is the 21st letter.
The 21st letter.
Double it is 42.
So I knew the 23 and 42 were connected.
And then 23 is the 11 p.m.
What the *?
So 11 is 23, is 42.
Add those up, it's 76.
Add those up, it's 152.
152 is just 76 times 2.
So this fly spec, or this 1 by 5, or this V, is like 476.
It's like your quad of 76s.
And when we take this into the, if you know about 1 of 7 of 13 of 110 of 2143 is Earth,
then I should be able to find it.
Then I should be able to find that in this.
And I got a V, or a 1 by 5 cell, which is my 1.
7 is, I take my 11 and my 23, and I add them separately.
I get my 7, 13.
I add plus my 7 and my 6.
And my 76, I get the 13.
Or I can take 152 and 23 and add those individually.
I get the 210.
It's just my circle, 11 circled.
Or I can take 76 plus 23 plus 11 equals 110.
210, 2143, 152 separated, added up is 8.
Plus my, you know, 7 plus 6 is my 13.
Plus my 13 is 21.
So there's the first half.
Take my 42, circle it.
I got my 43.
There's my 2143.
And then I found my 11 in this 11, 23, 42 code as well.
So you got, here's 9 in a cell.
Here's 11 in a cell.
And they're both in a 1 by 2 cell.
So 9 plus 1 is 10.
11 plus 1, 12.
You add those up, 22.
The 1 by 2 cell is 23, right?
So I already got my 11.
Now I got my 23.
And if I take 9 plus 11 plus 23, I get 43, which is a circled 42.
Add those, it's my 76.