Yes.迷えるかわいい子羊たち 彷徨う間に月日は経ち気付けば二十歳は遠い過去 いや、夢!幻!何も知らない十四の秋 いつまで引きずる十二の時心でその持ち感じ起きれ 今、急げ! 三日の中!I'm not going to fall!I'm just gonna end it hereIf I don't, I'll just wander forever and everThere's no way outI'm just gonna fight it out hereThis journey isn't that easyA lost, cute little lambWhile I'm wandering,I'm the moonI realize I'm twenty years old,and I'm far awayNo, it's a dream,a phantomChain reactionChain reaction Knight toddler Oh, corn Oh, ahhhat Oh,ahhhatA-ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah There's no endThere's no end