迷えるかわいい子羊たち 彷徨う間に月日は経ち
気付けば二十歳は遠い過去 いや、夢!
何も知らない十四の秋 いつまで引きずる十二の時
心でその持ち感じ起きれ 今、急げ! 三日の中!
I'm not going to fall!
I'm just gonna end it here
If I don't, I'll just wander forever and ever
There's no way out
I'm just gonna fight it out here
This journey isn't that easy
A lost, cute little lamb
While I'm wandering,
I'm the moon
I realize I'm twenty years old,
and I'm far away
No, it's a dream,
a phantom
Chain reaction
Chain reaction Knight toddler Oh, corn
Oh, ahhhat Oh,ahhhat
A-ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah There's no end
There's no end