Set his dead, dump some- Hey, 1,000 volts, dump some- Like a * dog, juice on the- Hey, hey, hey, yo Put your hands up, like you really wanna- Put your hands up, like you really wanna- Have a splat, splat, splat in a living room nuts to show for that, you- You- You- Kill him with 1,000 volts K.O. Kill him wi- Oh, oh, oh! My hands are hot! K.O. You're out of business! Got the dope! Let's go! Shut the * up and listen I had a hard day You know what I'm talkin' bout Tryna live your life and haters wanna run in and out I ain't worried bout it, yeah I ain't worried bout it, yeah, yeah, yeah Time to hurry, bring the stick, come on! K.O. Yeah, 1,000 volts, hands high It's critical, John Travolta can't stay alive But I'ma stay alive, yeah, like I tried Fuckin' with my money, game over, shots fired Kill him with 1,000 volts K.O. K.O. My hands are hot! K.O. You're out of business, nigga! Got the dope! Let's go! K.O. K.O. K-O. Put your hands up! How much you really want it? Put your hands up! How much you really want it? nok, nok, nok kill'em with a thousand Shut the * up and listen the hell is that? what's that about? What's that about? What's that about? What's that about? What's that about? K-O B-A-B-O-B-O-B-O-B-O-B Kill em with a thousand rose