And you say that governments are made out of bricks If you want to be a thief, quit it Your a** is redder than the neighbours My name is Naseem I don't do anybody's race I don't do anything without a reason I don't do anybody's race I don't do anything without a reason I call myself the big mafia I don't do anything without a reason I don't do anybody's race I don't do anything without a reason I don't do anything without a reason I don't do anything without a reason You don't have to cry, you're just a kid Look Gangster, he's a complete thug He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zed Look Gangster, he's a complete thug He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zed He keeps a few *** tanks He stays with his friends, he's a total tat He's a kid, he's got a touch He's a complete hooligan He's got a black gun, he's a Zeleni I don't do anybody's race I don't do anybody's race I don't do anything without a reason I don't do anything without a reason Love you all He's a complete hooligan He's got a touch He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He keeps a few *** tanks Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me I don't do anything without a reason He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He writes a song on his bike He takes his friends with him The night is like a Rally I don't do anything without a reason He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni He doesn't keep a gun, he's a Zeleni There is a Bang Bang This song should have thousands of lyrics I want to see thousands of lyrics with this song This is my song