The story of a heart that has always kept the loveI never believed in loyalty and loveBut the heart is still strong and strongAnd what I want from youRealize that this heart is still loyal to the promiseThe feeling of running away from youUntil when will I realize that this heart is still loyal to the promiseThe feeling of running away from youI love you, my love, come on firstI told you, I love youTry to understand, I say it with my heartI try to make you realizeThere is no love that is happy and patientI love you, I love youI love you, I love youI promise to believeI like it but I risk itShow your face just because of youThe best response you give backRemember to always spend time every timeStill not always hit the millionBut patience is a lessonBecause love is patient to proveEven though sometimes you feel itHave a command from the feelingIf I always loveHave other things and playMany feel the sameFor you, I'll take careWhere does the heart run toRealize that this heart is still loyal to the promiseThe feeling of running away from youUntil when will I realize that this heart is still loyal to the promiseThe feeling of running away from youJust now I feltI cannot hideLike a101BajuDan hatiSatu kunciHasilKoi tauBanyak sabuAkutiSemua rasaSeberiCoba ketukJika sehatiTak terbukaTipu sekaliBebBebSalobkuBanyakkuCuma kuTerus-terusBeginiSampai nantiKau mengertiJika sejuangTra main-mainHarap kau bisaTak kontak matinRasuSabukanKasah adaJangan lupaDengan rasaKarenaCinta sajaKau belum punaPahamlah sayangKenapa terbisaDan yang samaUdariKuSadarKalau hatiNih masihSetiaDengan janjiRasaTerlariDariKuSampai kapanBaruKuSadarKalau hatiNih masihSetiaDengan janjiRasaTerlariDari-dari kuSayangmuSayangmu