Thank you very much.Kerdipan bintang di langitBagai tergapai di tanganHakikatnya berjauhanDekat hanya dipandangDengan kalimat di hatiPeganglah kalam jauh hariDengan akalmu yangKedalam jauh hariMulan bisa kau takutiDengan kalam jauh hariSekurang sampai sehariDengan akal yang diberiHalusilah mata hatiMeneroka realitiDan meneroka realitiDan meneroka realitiKepada nafsi-nafsiBerpikirlah bak sufiDengan mata hatiSemalam tak kembaliBesok terlumpasOrang-orang yang rugiTak makam sedariMasa yang tak dihargaiRenungkanlah sejenakDengan indahnyaMulianya akal mudiMasa yang tak dihargaiMasa yang tak dihargaiMasa yang tak dihargaiYang mengcipta segalaYang mengcipta segalaDi langit dan bumiSeindah kejadianBertatahlah intan bayi diriKalam jauh hari dituruniAkal budi lafaznya suciMimpi magnum layla di sisiMimpi magnum layla di sisiMimpi magnum layla di sisiSiadalah tertutup hatiSiadalah tertutup hatiMakin hilang hatiScreams like an official bowFilled with worship of the earthAll people togetherThere is no doubtAt the end of Kalam JauhariThe love is trueWith wisdom givenYou can reach the heightWorship Ba CuteTill the выпFind theajliIt is hiddenThe eternal loveForeverreturned不到This is looking forLook at your heartLonging for the oneWritten and scatteredAll of this is waitingDisappeared in the mirrorThere is no end in the wall of the heartIn time that is not squareThe height of the cloud in the corner of the heartReminds you of a long dayFrom day to dayThink about it with your heartThe night is not backThe people who are lostThe time that is not appreciatedRemember for a momentThe glory of the wiseWho created everythingAs beautiful as the sky and the earthAs beautiful as the sky and the earthWith the wisdom givenTo the stars you can changeWith the nature of the dayFor a day to a day