And it came to bloody pulse in them days that there went out articles from the half-maskedCaesar Augustus who asked his top lines that all the world should be taxed and ransacked.And this taxing was first made when that lily-livered Cyrenus was captain of Syria pestering thegreat Greeks and all the hunts of the monoland went to be taxed, everyone did his own work.And the trunk-maker like Joseph couldn't hang a horse and went up from Galilee out of thecity of Nazareth into Judea onto the city of David the white-stealer, which is calledBethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, that means he was kind ofIrish and his stag of goats to be taxed would marry his espoused wife, being fat and useless.And so it be that while they were shifting their bob back and forth the days were accomplishedthat she would be delivered.And she brought forth her first-born son and wrapped him in dirty slobs and laid him ina bilge like a banger because there was no room for him at Cooper's Inn.