Thank you, thank you, I really enjoyed that, Pete, but, uh...Well, uh, they all know that I'm a blues singer, I'm sure of that.I don't have to tell them that, do I?No, that's right.Well, what about one of us perchers, huh?Mix them up, because they're good too.Thank you.This one, a lot of times I do get pushed around by a certain ladythat's in the same field that I am in, singing songs and things,because a lot of times I get the, they give me the bad end of it, you know.Because they say everything that I sing, whether it's a spiritual or folk song,whatever it is, it's still the blues.Well, I'm a blues singer, so what else am I going to do with it?But I like them all, I like all songs, you know,and some people call these folk songs.Well, all the songs that I...I've heard in my life was folk songs.I've never heard horses sing none of them yet.This is one that, for a fact, we sung this thing when I was a young fella,but not like I'm singing it now, of course not.Rose out of the Tharps and Mr. Josh White and those people like that,they give me the devil about singing it like this, but I like it this way.I want to see you like it.If you don't like it, well, I hope you like it.Mr. Josh White.