That felt so good, I was...You know a song with a story?Well, everything I sing has got a story.It may be the wrong story, but it's a story.Sing all the verses you want.They're a captive audience now, you know.Of a song.Oh, a song. I've got to sing a song, huh?I'd better go back to my profession, I think.I'd do better there, huh, wouldn't I?Blues.Do you know why you don't know...No, they didn't come through.They didn't come through, Mr.You were singing about a bullfrog, weren't you?Oh.This is a different thing.It's got more feet than the...My uncle told me that this song was sung back before I was born.They call it a lullaby.He said the women used to sing it to put the babies to sleep.Then when the men come from off the hill and off the farms and places,they'd come home and they'd run into some of that moon up there on the hilland they'd come home and sing rather loud and they'd wake up the babies again, you know.Oh, I'd better go back to my profession, I think.I'd better go back to my profession, I think.