Five Four three Two One Go! Prayers answered without one good shot Mothers and daughters and their parents will take care of themselves Allow your fears to thwart the true things of intelligence The climate is so confusing Keep hoping on about the recession No one will really give a damn In a year or two So there's nothing to lose Here's another soulsick drone Born and bred in a great British home Another slice of heart-baked diet is to amuse your gram of bone Climate change leads to super weather But I don't know, don't know whether Music is just another term for noise I'm told it's all about expression So express yourself for it I give a percentage of my earnings to the Publicist Strike Fund There's something admirable about a thing They're searching out fragile hearts Showing the flaws of foreign bastards Better badges for the fans to keep a happy and laugh in their hands And we can just laugh it off In a year or two So there's nothing to lose
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