This is Kim Hill, followed by In You Alone, from her recording, Renewing the Heart Live.Worship has always been a part of my life, but in the past few years it has really becomemore of a focal point of my life. I've realized that worship is what we were all created todo, that the Lord created us to worship Him and to find really our fulfillment in worshipingHim. I kind of took a lot of that for granted growing up. We sang worship songs on the wayto school. We sang, this is the day that the Lord has made. I thought everyone sangthat in the car on the way to school. I'm very thankful for that heritage that I have.In the past few years, the Lord has really taken me deeper places in worship and hasjust shown me that is where He truly feeds me. As I come into His presence, that's whereI'm changed. As I set my heart and my mind on Him and focus on Him, the things in mylife, the circumstances of my everyday life, whether it's a fight I just had with myhusband or stressing out over stuff to do with my kids, it's like all those thingscome into perspective as I focus on Him. I heard someone talk about this, about whenyou magnify the Lord, that what you're really doing is you're making Him great and you'refocusing on how great He is. When you magnify Him and He becomes so big, you realize howsmall your problems are and how insignificant a lot of the things that we get stressed outabout are.In you alone, in you alone, in you alone is promise I can cling to. In you alone, you'remy security. In you alone, my soul has found a dwelling place. Only in you alone. In youalone is where I find my comfort. In you alone, you're my only hope. In you alone, my hearthas found a resting place. In you alone, in you alone, in you alone is promise I cancling to. In you alone, you're my security. In you alone, my soul has found a dwellingplace. Only in you alone, only in you alone, only in you alone, only in you alone.