Romanian Lyrics :
Daca pleci usa nu o mai inchide
Sper sa treci poate maine pe aici
Te petrec si ma uit la tine
parca pierd ceva din mine
Zau, imi e greu...
(Poate daca ploaia s-ar opri
Si din cer n-o sa mai cada lacrimi
Stele ar rasari, tu ai veni
Suparat sunt, doamne iar
Stau in carciuma sa-mi inec amarul
Beau si te astept pana la zi)
Ploua incet, incet,
Ploua si-mi este dor de ochii tai
Sa mor imi e dor.
Te astept sa te intorci din nou la mine
Chipul tau si de ochii tai mi-e dor
Poza ta din sertar o scot
Nu ma uit la ea, nu pot.
Zau, imi e greu.
Refren : (x2) ..
Ploua incet, incet,
Ploua si-mi este dor de ochii tai
Sa mor imi e dor.
If u go, don't close the door
I hope u will stop by tomorrow
I watch u leaving as if I lose a part of me
I swear, It's very hard for me.
(Maybe if the rain stopped
and tears stopped falling from above
Stars would rise, u would come
God! I am upset again
I sit in a bar drowning my misery
I'm drinking and waiting for u till dawn)
It rains slowly, slowly....
It rains and I miss your eyes
I miss (you) to die
I'm waiting for u to come back to me
I miss your face and your eyes
I pull out your picture from my drawer
don't look at it I just cant.
I swear, it's very hard for me.
Chorus (x2):..
It rains slowly, slowly
It was raining and I miss your eyes
I miss (you) to die.