I wonder everything about us Tell me what we do
I wonder why we're alive What we might look like
And how we live in our lives Seoul, I'm so happy
I wonder how we've changed I'm curious
Even if I'm caught in a twilight of darkness
I face it without any expectations,
love that goes There's no definite answer
I'm just going to be confident and go back to it
I've lived a fierce life
Drawing a perfect you and I
We're all colored like that
So I wonder and I wonder
And I wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder where I might go
Cause I wanna wanna wanna wanna keep it close
There's a hundred million maybes but I gotta know
We could give it a life for a life
This love right now
That's all we got,
all we need
We're happy right now
Don't we ride this feeling
Just dance right now
But don't you stop
looking forward
Just enjoy this love
We can't get far and we're falling