♪Als die Töchter schöner Deutschland gingen,Meine Gesangentehe,Ist ein kleiner Melodie in DeutschlandFür fünfzehn oder zwanzig Jahr,Als jedoch die schöner Deutschland gingen,Meine Gesangentehe,Ist ein kleiner Melodie in DeutschlandFür fünfzehn oder zwanzig Jahr,Each and every German dances to the strainOf the I was not a Nazi PolkaAll without exception join in the refrainOf the I was not a Nazi PolkaGetting buzzed and crazy, we bumped into the poleSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaWe thought that Dachau was just a nice resortSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaThe German is so cultured, he does not like to fightBut peaceful life is what he most enjoysFor years the German people were laughterly convincedIG Farben manufactured children's toysI never shot a Luger or goose a single stepSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaWas you not an SS guard?I was not an SS guardI was not a Nazi PolkaDid you not love Ilse Koch?I did not love Ilse KochI was not a Nazi PolkaDid you not despise the Jews?I did not, some of my best friendsI was not a Nazi PolkaDid you not think Adolf Gretz?I did not, Adolf who?Adolf who?Ja, Adolf who?Fritz, you're putting me onWas bedeutet dieser putting me on?Are you kidding me or something?Nein, I'm not kidding you, Adolf who?Adolf HitlerShould I know him? Is he a folk singer?You don't remember himNein, I don't remember him, who was he?Well, a little man, very mean, very loud and brashNot too tall, he never smiled, wore a black mustacheNein, I never heard of himHe had a girl, Eva Brown, hair as red as flameHe papered walls for many years, till his moment cameOf course, he's the one that his hands bent into a danceWhen the news came to him that we had conquered FranceHe once said, when our flags fly, they must unfurlToday, Germany, tomorrow, the wholeI never heard of himNeither did ITo our Israeli allies, let us raise a toastSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaSure, there was some Nazis, two or three at mostSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaWe tried to throw out Hitler right from the very startThat's what every history book should tellWe hated Heinrich Hitler, Martin Bormann tooWe believe as Schurmann did, that Bormann isHeil, Heil, Heil, Heil Heil, Heil, Heil, HeilSieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg HeilGermans are as gentle as flowers in the springSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaGermans are a people who love to dance and singSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaWait a minute, wait a minuteYou there, you are not singingYou do not like to see?Tell me, you still have a family in Germany, nicht wahr?SingSing the I was not a Nazi PolkaSieg Heil