Come all you fine companions, listen up to me
Till you tail misfortune in some bad company
I better do my own way, my mother and father too
Landed in the prairie, thought I'd be passing through
Come on
Come on
It's a terrible feeling
I was as drunk as drunk could be
Ran into a fine young damsel
And the look she gave to me
Said to that pretty maid
Would you like to be my wife?
She quickly accepted my offer
Thought I'd have her for the rest of my life
But my mother, she didn't like her
Reasons I now know why
Found her with another
So bitter one last goodbye
The desire that I took to hold her
I drank both day and night
Just there I stand
Started pinching
Drank so much that I'd lose my sight
So come on you fine young fellas
This warning I give to thee
Stay clear of the dark dirty bar rooms
When you're looking for your wife to be
I've been wrong, and yet I say
That will never change
This fairytale is no more