Miss Park speaks five languages. No, I don't. Don't you? No. I speak six languages. Six? Every language easy. Easy as the recipe for making jello. I speak six languages. And I can say hello. In at least seven more. She's also a champion rugby player. To excel in athletics is not difficult if one has the temperament. Apparently, I have the temperament. Yes, I score some balls. So unfazed am I. Has my life on sprawls. Unamazed am I. I don't like to brag. And I won't cause I don't have to. But I speak six languages. I'm American in hockey. And anything I do, I do without getting sore. I speak six languages. And I like the theme from Rocky. Though I play Mozart more. I achieve my goals. So unfazed am I. Has my life on sprawls. Unamazed am I. Winning is a job. And I get no real enjoyment. But just a lazy slob. How do I deal my sim play? Jello all you know. Catch a ping, oh yes, that's she does. I speak six languages. Honey, yo, that's shallow. It helps with S and C, but better. I speak six languages. I am sick and tired. I've always been the best and the brightest at every math. Six lousy languages. And for my height, I'm the lightest of the girls in my class. She knows six languages. That's one, two, three, four, five. She knows six.