Dropped into a tavern, saw some friends of mine. Party was getting underway and the juice was really flyin' and I got loaded, I got loaded, I got loaded. Oh, I sure got high. Told my pretty baby I wouldn't stay out no more. Every time I tried to leave I fell down on the floor and I got loaded, I got loaded, I got loaded. Oh, I sure got high. Made me feel so happy while it was going down. I took a sip on every drink that bottle went around and I got loaded, I got loaded, I got loaded. Oh, I sure got high. Last thing I remember, I heard somebody say, won't my soul just let em roll until the break of day and I got loaded, I got loaded, I got loaded. Oh, I sure got high. If you see my baby, tell her this for me, I didn't mean to stay so long but the juice down there was free and I got loaded, I got loaded, I got loaded. Oh, I sure got high.
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