In a moment of crisis you have to believe in yourself Though you may be frightened, you know there is nobody else You're a survivor, you'll be a hero for sure I believe there is a moment I believe there is a time I believe there is a mountain I believe we must climb I believe there is a reason I believe there is a place I believe there is a challenge We must face, face to face The song of the siren is singing, cover your ears The voice that's inside is the only one you need to hear Hold yourself steady, don't deviate from your course I believe there is a moment I believe there is a place I believe there is a challenge We must face, face to face This is the moment I will not fail This is the moment I will prevail If you stay true to your heart, you're equal to all I believe this is the moment I believe this is the time I believe this is the mountain I believe we must climb I believe this is the reason I believe this is the place I believe this is the challenge We must face, face to face Oh, I believe Oh, I believe I believe, I believe I believe, I believe Oh, I believe Thank you for watching!