We'll be right back.They say relinquish the rageRepressive memories can passInto a sky of dustOr see my thoughtsPay time like lightThrough the mist of nightSlippingInto serenitySpinning towards hearts that can't breakAnd still trappedA misdirectionWeightlessnessSeparationAway from thisContextAlleviationFrom the noiseLeave that hope behindA master of controlI'd rather it be meThan the othersHolding the time ropeIn chains of woeTake flight on the wingsThat are defeatedBy conflicts of trustCause poweredBy passionIn retrospective intentBelieve in the purityOf your escapeWeightlessnessSeparate from thisContextAlleviationFrom the noiseWeightlessnessSeparatefrom thisConscienceCracking the rhythmOf the noiseWeightlessnessplease get rid of thisTake the strengthIt's portion'sarmorBring it downLeave my rageJaguarMany hoursFor glory's sakePace to breathe on blemish atmosphereWatch me float along this celestial breezeGive me hope to becomeOne with everythingEverythingTo understand change has a necessityTo understand change has a necessityBlamelessnessSeparate from this contextUnleaviationUnleaviation from theUnleaviation from the noiseBlamelessnessSeparate from thisBlamelessnessConscienceBreaking the rhythm of the noise