So please listen to me when I try to tell you that I love you Yes I do Like, that was an idea I had. What do you guys think of that one? I don't know man. I don't know Jay. I love you man, but like, I don't know bro, I think we gotta try something new man. I'm not sure the label is gonna be down with this. I mean, it's just the same stuff you've been making. Like, I think we need to innovate, I think we need to change it up. This is how you guys really feel. You've been feeling this way this whole time and you didn't say anything to me. I think you just need to be able to... You're supposed to be my manager, you're supposed to have open communication man. I mean, maybe take some time off for a little while and revisit it next week. I mean, I think this needs to be a team decision. Alright. I can make up any song that I want to. I can literally make up any person that I want to.