Step 1, take his pictures off the wall, pick myself up after the fall, the fall, I'll be better off after all. When the pain's a hundred proof, there are ways to change the mood. It's good, getting it like I should. Mr. Whatsy's name, all are all the same, Mr. Whatsy's name. I'm gonna smile when it hurts, going out tonight with all of my girls. Party till I can't see straight. This is how a heart breaks, find someone new. Somebody to love me the way you loved you. Can't you tell I'll be okay? This is how a heart breaks. I can't believe it got this far, it's like the wheels came out of a car. Bizarre, a joint in my heart. I've been broken in the past, but the feeling doesn't last, collapse, I always survive the crash. Mr. Whatsy's name, bet you feel the pain, Mr. Whatsy's name. I'm gonna smile when it hurts, going out tonight with all of my girls. Party till I can't see straight. This is how a heart breaks, find someone new. Somebody to love me the way you loved you. Can't you tell I'll be okay? This is how a heart breaks. Oh, the devil was in your eyes, the heaven was in your hands, and these are the things I'll mend. Laa-la-la, la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la. Smile when it hurts. Tonight with all of my girls. Party till I can't see straight. This is how I, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm crazy. Find someone new. Somebody to love me the way you loved you. Can't you tell I'll be okay, okay? This is how I, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm crazy. Smile. Going out tonight with all of my girls. Party till I can't see straight. This is how I, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm crazy. Find someone new. Somebody to love me the way you loved you. Can't you tell I'll be okay? This is how I, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm crazy.