When we practice yoga, move the body with the exercises, our breath is always involved. We practice in the rhythm of our breathing and pay attention to a calm, even flow. Our breath and our body are connected. In this respect, the breath is an important instrument to observe the physical presence. It is a concern in yoga to let the breath become deep and flowing, so as to have a calming effect on the world of thought. Our breath is the mediator between the physical state and the mental state. It has a strong emotional effect and an immediate influence on the psyche of man. A calm, even breath ensures a relaxed body feeling. Conversely, the thoughts influence the breath. That is, the yogis have thought about it several thousand years ago, that it should be possible to consciously influence the state of our mind with the help of the breath. That is why we do some breathing exercises to experience the relaxing effect ourselves. Learn more on our channel.
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